Miss Mississippi Volunteer is the official partner of the Mississippi Highway Patrol’s D.R.I.V.E. campaign.

Colonel Randy Ginn of the Mississippi Highway Patrol and Steve Stockton, Executive Director of the Miss Mississippi Volunteer Scholarship Pageant, met on March 31, 2021, at the MHP headquarters in Jackson, MS, and made the official announcement. The winner of the Miss Mississippi Volunteer Scholarship pageant will be a spokesperson for the teen driving safety campaign, D.R.I.V.E, also known as Driving Requires Initiative Values and Education. She will travel across Mississippi, spreading awareness about the dangers of being a young driver.
“We see this partnership with Miss Mississippi Volunteer as another avenue to get our D.R.I.V.E. message to our target audience, teenagers,” said Colonel Randy Ginn, Director of MHP.”
“We recognize there is a great need to educate our teens and parents due to the number of teen fatalities in Mississippi. The statistics are unacceptable, one death is too many, and seventy is alarming. We are confident this venture will create opportunities for our Public Affairs Officers as we work alongside Miss Mississippi Volunteer to Miss Mississippi Volunteer Organization is grateful to the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol for allowing us to help carry the message that ‘Driving Requires Initiative, Value, and Education.’ Teen drivers and their parents need to understand how safe driving habits save their lives and the lives of others. Working together, we can reduce the unacceptable number of teen fatalities on our Mississippi highways.”